Friends, family, all:
Please accept an enormous thank you for all the love, support, and prayer during this season of our lives. Scarlett is thriving thanks to the grace of God and we truly appreciate the willingness of all of you to stand by us. The various types of encouragement we received was overwhelming and combined with Faith carried us through all the tough moments.
The fundraiser results are as follows:
Online donations: 1540
Payment sent to Children's Heart Foundation: 770
Offline donations (designated 100% to Scarlett): 2760
Total 4300
Wow! What a blessing.
In the midst of all the good news we ask that you continue to pray for our family in the following areas: wisdom, courage, strength, and resolve for Mom and Dad as parents, husband, and wife; continued healing, wellness, and growth for Scarlett; the Lord's peace, joy, and spiritual growth for all three!
If you intended to support the fundraiser and didn't get the chance, or have any other questions, contact us.
Scarlett's Dad